Top 50 Tips & Tricks in Among Us | Ultimate Guide To Become a Pro

 Top 50 Tips & Tricks in Among Us | Ultimate Guide To Become a Pro

here's a small detail which you can notice the tasks in med bay are towards the right side so if someone walks out after doing the task they'll face towards their left whereas the vents inside the med bay are towards the left side so if an impostor walks out of a vent he'll face towards the right do not instantly call for a meeting just keep an eye on the suspect while you're doing the empty garbage task be quick and pull the handle before the leaves touch the surface of the machine in this way you can complete this task much faster here's a comparison similarly we do it here too the admin map is one of the best features of the game here's an example you can see one player in the electrical now there's two the blink suggests that a player has been finished now the body gets reported instantly so you can clearly say that it was a self-report here's a side-by-side visual of what happened while venting from the electrical to the security room you can't know if a player is standing inside the security here's an amazing trick for that vent towards the med bay and then vent towards security as you can see for a split second we can see everyone standing in the room so we'll wait for them to go and then vent out  don't simply use the cams use them effectively position yourself in such a way that you can see this vent when you open the cams in this way if someone enters into the med bay and then vents you'll know who it is similarly if someone vents from electrical to med bay and exits you'll know who it is most of you have problems with the card swipe task sometimes it's too fast or sometimes it's too slow so here's the solution take the card and quickly swipe it left and right three to four times that's it [Music] here's one of the best ways to do a card swipe take the card slowly swipe it until here and then quickly swipe it till the end done let's try that again it works the next trick is camp the cams suppose someone's watching the camps just stand close to the cams to hide the blinking now if an imposter comes and finishes you the crewmate watching the cams can easily know who the imposter is here's how it looks from the crewmates perspective [Music] here's a 200 iq trick you can do if you go towards the electrical along with a crewmate and he starts doing the download task you can quickly vent and go towards the security now finish the crewmate in security and vent back quickly the download task takes around nine seconds so they can't see you here's how it looks from a crewmate's perspective since the task is open on the screen they can't see you vent when the body is found you won't be a suspect  if you see someone doing the power divert task as soon as the game begins they're 100 the imposter because firstly you need to divert power from the electrical and only then can the diverted power be accepted by the other parts of the map also you can pay attention to these small written texts so as to understand where the second part of the task would be as soon as a game starts if you see someone doing this upload task inside the admin room they are 100 faking the task this is because firstly the file needs to be downloaded only then can it be uploaded  there are five different download locations on the map which are the cafeteria weapons navigation communication and electrical whereas there is only one upload location which is inside the admin room most of you try to complete this steer navigation task by dragging the lines towards the center but the fastest way to do this is by simply tapping on the center the lines automatically get aligned here's a good spot in the polis map to catch the imposter just come and stand over here whenever the imposter uses this vent to come out you can clearly know who it is also here's a perspective from the imposter's point of view they won't be able to see anyone behind the wall suppose there are three crewmates in a room here's an awesome vent strategy which you can use firstly turn off the lights now quickly vent towards the room and finish one of them and quickly vent back as soon as one of them finds the body they will automatically put the blame on the other person standing in the room because they didn't see anyone else come or go away from the room if you're an imposter and you see that the task bar is about to get full call for a calm sabotage by doing this the crewmates won't be able to see their tasks until they fix it the task won't be visible on the map too by sabotaging the comms the cameras as well as the admin map also become unusable  most of you find it difficult to fix this here's a quick and simple solution just rotate the knob slowly towards the left and right pay attention to this light wherever the light goes off that's the point so adjust the knob exactly where the light went off here's an example in real time  as an imposter it becomes difficult to sabotage while standing close to the cams because the security button replaces the sabotage button here's what you can do before going close to the cams just open the sabotage map and then go as you can see you can easily sabotage even while standing close to the cameras  here's a 200 iq trick while playing mira hq stand close to the right walls of either communications or med bay when an imposter finishes someone on the other side you'll see a splash now quickly run towards the cafeteria to see who the imposter is now have a look at the pov of the imposter here's an addition to the previous trick suppose you see the splash while standing in the med bay look carefully at the doors for a split second you can see the color of the player hence you can tell who the imposter is now have a look at the pov of the imposter the start reactor task is one of the longest and most confusing tasks in the game so suppose you're doing this task and you can't exactly memorize all the squares at once just close the task now reopen it to continue from the same step where you left it in a game of two imposters you can clearly know when your imposter partner finishes someone just pay attention to this button whenever the button blinks that suggests that your imposter partner has finished someone let's try it again for those who find it difficult to do this task here's a simple method to do that just wait for a few seconds and you'll notice that the knob gets slower during every turn hence it'll become easy if you wait for a while and then do it this task and shields can be done standing near the railing it's safe to do the task here as compared to this spot because it's kind of a corner also if an imposter finishes you here there is a chance that the other crewmates won't notice the body while doing the inspect sample task most of you wait for the animation to get over there's no need for that as soon as you click the green button just close the task and go and then come back after a minute to select the anomaly suppose you mistakenly vent or finish someone while the cams were on instantly close the security room because the crewmate will be in a hurry to call a meeting it will take 10 seconds for the door to open so you'll have an ample amount of time to run towards the security now finish them before they call a meeting this path is the shortest path from security to cafeteria hence it's obvious that the crewmate would definitely use the same path here's a 200 iq trick suppose you and your imposter partner finish two crewmates together one of you quickly go and call for an emergency meeting by doing this the bodies get disappeared and the crewmates will never know where they actually finished now simply say that you suspect someone but you're not sure eventually they'll skip and you'll remain safe the key task in polis is a common task hence everyone would have it the keyholes are different for everyone during the discussion time the first person would have the first keyhole the second would have this and the third fourth and fifth would have this similarly for the sixth to the tenth the keyholes would be on the next column as follows since the imposter won't have the task you can ask everyone about their keyhole number to find who the imposter is a case when you're caught finishing someone take the name of an innocent crewmate and tell everyone he's the second imposter so once you're ejected they'll vote out the innocent guy this would help your imposter partner a lot [Music] the fixed wire task is a three-step task here are a few points to keep in mind number one it can never start at cafeteria or security electrical can never be the second or third step so if you see someone fix the wires at admin and then go to electrical they're faking the task number three if you see someone fixing the wire at security the taskbar has to go up since it can never be the first or second step using the door logs to find the imposter is too difficult instead just stand at the center of the y now remember who went towards which side suppose yellow and pink went towards the bottom right side wait for them to return if they both don't return go and check what happened if you find a body you know who the imposter is one of them finished the other and vented out if someone sees you come out of a vent they'll straight away run to call a meeting use the vent to go faster and stay ready to finish them before they call for a meeting here's one more situation you can also close the gate of the room to trap them inside and finish them here are two strategies to act innocent number one suppose you finish someone instantly walk away and go inside any nearby room now wait here until you spot any player around as soon as you spot one go with them towards the body by doing this no one will suspect you because both of you found the body at the same time number two we'll use the doors and vents so here's a player we'll finish him and quickly close the doors now let's vent towards the reactor wait for a while and go towards the body along with someone again you won't be a suspect here's a good way to get some extra vision from the camps when you normally open the cams you see this now go back and walk towards the cams and open them quickly you can now see a bit extra towards the top of every room here's the difference [Music] here's a 300 iq trick suppose you finish someone in the electrical do not close the doors and vent out because there is a chance that someone will see you while coming out of the med bay instead finish them now go out and close the door so if someone comes along you both would spot the body together and they can vouch for you hence you won't be a suspect suppose you're walking alongside someone and they suddenly stop now if a sabotage occurs it's most likely done by them so whenever you're an imposter never stay idle while sabotaging always keep sprinting while you sabotage [Music] the cooldown timer freezes whenever you use a security camera or the admin map it also freezes when you're inside a [Music] vent the fixed weather node task is a two-step task firstly you need to solve the maze and then turn on the correct switch in total there are six switches and also six nodes each node has a fixed switch which are as follows this node corresponds to the first switch second third fourth fifth and sixth so if you see someone doing a task here you can ask them which switch they turned on to confirm if they're a crewmate more than two people cannot have the same download task so if you see three people doing a download task at the same place one of them is most likely an imposter keep in mind there are a total of five download locations and one upload location which is in the admin hence everyone has to come to admin to upload the data so don't get confused between download and upload while playing if you get disconnected from a server you can join the same server without entering the code just click on this arrow as you can see we join the same lobby again here's a good way to catch the imposter by looking at the vents from a different room so here's a vent now look carefully as you can see the vent opened so we'll quickly go towards the room and check who it was now quickly call for a meeting here's one more example if you're in the security room and see event open in the med bay instantly open the cameras to see who goes out of the med bay now you know who the imposter is here's a good strategy you can use when you're alone and there are three crewmates left call for a sabotage towards the reactor while going try to finish one of the crewmates [Music] now as soon as the reactor gets fixed close the gates of the upper and lower engines now close the doors of the storage so as to reduce your cooldown once your cooldown is gone finish one of them and win the game you see two crewmates in a room sabotage and close the door this will make both suss of each other white will think blue is the imposter whereas blue will think white is the imposter hence this creates confusion among the crewmates while you're going towards the decontamination pay attention to these floor lights these lights suggest when the door opens firstly all the eight segments will turn off and then they'll slowly start to glow as soon as all of the segments are glowing the gate opens this model inside the reactor is a dummy model this task is just for show and can't actually be done so if you see someone faking this they're 100 the imposter suppose the visual tasks are turned off in a game you could still verify your crewmate by trying to do the same task which they're doing if a message pops up saying to wait until your crewmate completes the task you can confirm that they're not an imposter if you don't have the same task check for the task bar to go up most of the tasks in polis can be done through the walls here are a few examples if you find it difficult to search the given planet just close the task and reopen it you'll get a new planet now give it a try again if you're an imposter never pretend to fake a task for a long time without knowing it for example this task it hardly takes two to three seconds to complete it so if you stand there for too long they can easily predict that you're the imposter the best task to fake as an imposter are the download task the refueling task and the wire fixing task all of these are two-step tasks so you don't need to worry about the taskbar take use of sabotage efficiently whenever you finish someone on the right call a sabotage towards the left instantly players around you would run towards the left side in order to fix the sabotage similarly if you finish someone on the left call for a sabotage towards the right avoid going to a far-off place such as the electrical as soon as the game begins the imposters will have a cool down of just 10 seconds during the first round hence there is a high chance that you will get finished there if you have tasks in the electrical wait until the next meeting is called because the imposters will then have a higher cooldown which is the same to what you've said earlier if someone sabotages and turns off the light you can still go to the security room and watch the cameras to see everything clearly with full lights a common task is something which everyone in the lobby would have even the imposters would have them on their fake task list pay attention to that so if a card swipe task is mentioned don't try to fake a fixed wiring task the crewmates can easily find out that you are faking the task after the new update most of you play with a hidden task bar so you won't know who's doing a fake task here's a way you can find it out just keep in mind the average time taken to complete a task suppose it's an upload task it'll take roughly 9 seconds to complete it so if you see someone do this count for 9 seconds if they walk away early they're definitely an imposter similarly here are a few more tasks with their average time taken the free play mode is a great way to practice where you can roam around the entire map also you can go near this laptop and select to be an imposter to practice venting and sabotages too whenever you're doing a visual task wait until someone comes near you if they see you doing a visual task they'll be sure that you're not an imposter and they can vouch for you during the meetings here's a fun fact if a body is spotted it can be reported by simply clicking on the body just go near it and tap on the body  here's a fun trick if you finish someone you can quickly stand in front of his body and align yourself so that anyone walking around won't know about it if you enjoyed watching this make sure to like and subscribe let's keep a light game of 100k hope you guys do it also make sure to watch the previous parts of the video to become extra pro

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