M416 VS SCAR-L Ultimate Weapon Comparison (PUBG MOBILE) Guide/Tutorial + Tips and Tricks

 M416 VS SCAR-L Ultimate Weapon Comparison (PUBG MOBILE) Guide/Tutorial + Tips and Tricks

welcome guys this is a weapon comparison video between two popular assault rifles the m416 versus the scar-l we all know m416 is significantly a better weapon than the scar-l but let's find out how is it better starting with the damage comparison both the m416 and scar-l have the same base damage which is 41. and here is the damage chart both the weapons damage will be the same and the next comparison is bullet velocity or bullet speed once again both the m416 and scar-l has the identical bullet speed which means hitting the moving targets or moving vehicles should be identical and also long-range spray performance should be identical but however it's not because m416 and scar-l has a completely different spray patterns so let's compare the spray patterns for this comparison we are taking five spray samples to create one single spray pattern which shows us the average spray pattern and this is the m416 spray pattern in the red color and now to the scar-l spray pattern and the same procedure is used again five spray samples to get one average spray sample and this is the scar-l spray pattern in the green color and now comparing both the m416 and scar-l side-by-side you can notice m416 does have slightly higher vertical recoil as well as the horizontal but however scar l has some unpredictable horizontal recoil which makes the weapon handling more hard what i mean is that vertical recoil is always predictable it always goes up and only up while the horizontal recoil on the other end completely unpredictable as it can go left and right two directions so controlling horizontal recoil is very hard especially the scar else as it has more unpredictable recoil so it's hard to control scar-l's recoil anyway if you ever observed that scar-l shakes a lot while shooting at a certain distance it's because scar-l's recoil is very unpredictable now to the hip-fire comparison both the m4 and scar-l has identical hip-fire performance so there is no big difference here but i actually feel like m4 has better hip-fire performance anyway what do you think m4 or scar-l which has better hip-fire performance in your experience let me know in the comments moving on to the rate of fire comparison in this comparison we will be testing out which weapon shoots faster anyway m4 and scar has almost the same rate of fire but when firing 30 rounds m4 is 0.01 seconds faster so i would say m4 has higher rate of fire but it's not that high but m4 is faster moving on to the reloading speeds surprisingly the m4 and scar-l has the same or identical reloading speeds tested with all the magazines now to the attachments the m4 can have five equipment slots for attachments six if you include the canted sight and the scar-l has four equipment slots for attachments five if you include canted sight so m4 will give you more customization and final conclusion both the m4 and scar-l has the same amount of damage and also identical bullet velocity but the m4 has better recoil controlling and weapon handling and the hip fire performance is identical and the reloading time is also identical but m4 can equip a tactical stock so looking at this results there can be no doubt that the m416 is an overall a far better weapon than the scar-l but if you can't find the m4 then scar-l is really good alternative weapon for you until you find the m4 but always remember in close range the m4 and scar-l's performance is almost identical but when it's mid or long range scar l's recoil starts to kick in and the weapon will start to shake and make the sprays inaccurate anyway that's all i got for this video i hope you learned something new if you did hit the like button and subscribe for more upcoming videos like this see you guys in the next one

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