Top 10 Tips & Tricks in Among Us | Ultimate Guide To Become a Pro Part-2

Top 10 Tips & Tricks in Among Us | Ultimate Guide To Become a Pro Part-2

 Whenever someone uses the screen inside the security room, the cameras start flashing with a red light. You can notice him here. Watch these cameras because they suggest that you are observing someone. This means that you are safe now go and surprise your enemy just click on this screen once to skip this loading movement and get into the game faster, you will save a few seconds and can run away to take your position before others The fraudster can never do any real task He can only pretend to perform the tasks so, Here are three tricks based on animation to find fraudster number one if you are doing this mission inside the weapon room notice this shooting movement every time you hit a target so if you find someone doing the task, check out animated imposter real player number two this mission In Mid BayIt has a unique animation so if you see someone doing that, you can totally trust him as your teammate on Crew Number Three. Here is another task down the storage area. Whenever someone does this task, the gate opens to throwing garbage so always keep in mind that these tasks cannot be performed. With only a real player and not a charlatan This is a good way to find a fraudster when someone does one important task. Watch the taskbar if the bar increases. You can confirm that it is your teammate if the bar does not increase. You can easily expect it to be an imposter when you are a charlatan if I found three to four players standing near each other doing some tasks together to take advantage of this situation and finish one of them since the area was crowded They cannot clearly predict the cause It is not necessary to be so close to an enemy to eliminate them once you turn around the enemy, a line appears Red around it and fromThen you can eliminate them from a reasonable distance Now let's talk about sabotage. It's the advantage only given to the antichrist using sabotage. You can close the gates from any area within the map by clicking the cross mark for that area. You can also call some emergency tasks by clicking on one of these tasks requires The reactor mission has two members to complete. The o2 mission also requires two members to complete while the electrical task only requires one member to complete. If the crew mates fail to complete the emergency mission within the specified time, the impostor automatically wins the vents which is an easy way to escape or stay hidden. I made a vent diagram to describe it clearly. All the ventilation positions and possible directions to go from it in each nostril Here's a 200 iq trick you can use Notice the flash of a camera that suggests someone in security Now go to Med Bay and close a gate The security room now uses the air vents and wipes out your enemy[Music] Here's a good trick for fooling people. You can keep color names to confuse other players Now when someone tries to vote for you the others get confused and vote for the guy whose color is the same as yours So if you want to make the game really confusing ask all of your friends to change their name To the name of the official map color is a very useful thing, and here is an example here. I can see two players on my left and three on my right. Now carefully watch a player from Mid Bay goes directly to security, which means that he used the event now as I saw only one player left and the other finished so I will run quickly towards security And I see who it is. Once you see it, call for an emergency meeting and vote on it. This is a fun trick. If you think someone is 100, don't stand a charlatan next to him and align yourself so when the impostor comes to quit one of you, he will get a nice surprise for you. Another fun video [music] If you like these tricks and want toPart Make sure you hit the subscribe button in a couple of videos Let's keep a light game and hopefully you guys do

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