AKM VS Beryl M762 (Weapon Comparison) PUBG MOBILE Guide/Tutorial (Tips and Tricks)

AKM VS Beryl M762 (Weapon Comparison) PUBG MOBILE Guide/Tutorial (Tips and Tricks)

 welcome guys this is a weapon comparison video between two most popular 7.62 assault rifles the akm versus the barrel m762 choosing between akm or barrel is sometimes confusing so in this video we will figure out which weapon is better for you as always we will start the weapon comparison by comparing the damage difference between akm and barrel m762 akm has the base damage of 48 and headshot damage of 110 while barrel m762 has 46 base damage and headshot damage of 105 so barrel has four to five percent less damage than the akm but the barrel m762 catches up in terms of rate of fire meaning that barrel can shoot 10 percent faster than the akm so let's just say if akm can shoot 10 bullets in one second while barrel m762 can shoot up to 11 bullets in just a second so barrel can shoot one extra bullet in the same time now let's talk about dps which stands for damage per second akm has approximately 480 dps while barrel m762 has approximately 506 dps clearly barrel has higher damage per second it means that the barrel m762 does more damage in a second even though akm has higher damage by 4 i would say it's a draw between these two weapons in terms of power and damage moving on to the recoil comparison as usual i will be shooting at a wall for five times to get an accurate spray pattern it is not 100 accurate but it does the work the spray pattern in red color is barrel m762 without any attachments rory coil performance now the akm spray pattern is in green color and when we compare both the spray patterns side by side you can clearly see the difference that the barrel has higher vertical recoil while akm has a crazy amount of horizontal recoil if you look more into this you can notice that the akm first 10 bullets or first five to 10 bullets has almost 50 percent less recoil than the entire spray this shows that akm is not designed for full sprays you should try to kill your opponent in first 10 bullets otherwise the weapon starts to move left and right totally unpredictable and makes it harder to control and the barrel keeps its horizontal recoil same for the full spray and the moment we start putting attachments to the weapon the barrel m762 starts to perform better in fact in some situations barrel outperforms the akm with the right attachments talking about the attachments the barrel can equip one extra attachment giving you some extra customization it is a grip attachment so previously i did some testing with all the grips to figure out which one works best for the barrel and that would be the vertical grip and when we compare the spray patterns with full attachments the barrel and akm has the same amount of vertical recoil but akm still has its crazy amount of horizontal recoil after 10 bullets few people think that barrel m762 has more recoil than the akm sometimes it is true sometimes it is not because barrel feels like it has more recoil but in reality both barrel and akm has the same amount of recoil sometimes what i mean is if you shoot both the weapons at the same time the barrel will go up faster because it can shoot 10 faster than the akm so this is why it feels like barrel has more recoil but in reality they both have almost the same recoil now to the hip fire comparison both the weapons have the identical hip fire accuracy but when not using any attachments barrel has higher hip fire recoil and when using full attachments the recoil is almost identical but there is an advantage with the barrel if your hip fire sucks you can attach the laser sight to increase your hip fire accuracy by 30 and the reloading speed is identical between both the akm and barrel m762 and the ads speed or scope opening speed is also identical but however the barrel can equip a thumb grip which will increase the ads speed or the scope opening speed and the bullet velocity is also identical which is 715 meters per second so according to this comparison both the weapons has its pros and cons in my opinion both weapons are really good at close range if you know how to use them properly but if you have to choose between these two weapons then you have to think if you want a weapon which has higher damage and doesn't require that many attachments which would be the best for early games then the akm is your go-to choice or if you want a weapon which has overall higher damage per second and faster rate of fire but this comes at the cost of significantly higher recoil unlike the akm this can be reduced by attaching four grips which means this weapon requires a lot of attachments in order to perform at its best then the barrel will be your go-to choice so which weapon would you choose barrel m762 or akm let me know in the comments anyway that's all i got for this video if you learned something new hit the like button and subscribe for more upcoming videos like these see you guys in the next one 

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