Ultimate DP-28 Guide/Tutorial (PUBG MOBILE) Tips and Tricks

 Ultimate DP-28 Guide/Tutorial (PUBG MOBILE) Tips and Tricks

welcome guys in this video we will be taking a look at the dp28 the one and only light machine gun which spawns randomly on the map so i will tell you everything that i know about this weapon for example how to use dp28 properly at its full capacity but first you need to know few things about dp28 dp28 and akm are somehow similar even though dp is a machine gun and akm is an assault rifle they both share some similarities like for example they both use 7.62 ammunition and their damage is also almost similar akm and dp has almost the same damage and here is the rest of the damage for dp28 pause the screen and take a closer look at it and the bullet velocity or the bullet speed is also identical between dp-28 and akm which is 715 meters per second so the bullet drop of dp and akm will be identical and most people think the firing rate is so slow and that is kinda true in some cases but it's not that slow as you would think once again we will be comparing dp28 firing rate next to akm to show you that dp28's firing is not that slow as you would think if we start shooting dp and akm at the same time with mag size of 30 bullets then the akm will finish first by 0.02 seconds faster than the dp28 that's not a big difference it's just 0.02 seconds faster suppose if we shoot 10 bullets then the difference is not noticeable at all but if we shoot 20 bullets then the akm is 0.01 second faster and for 30 bullets akm is 0.02 seconds faster so dp28 isn't slow as you think akm is just some milliseconds faster than dp28 and i think it wouldn't impact that much on performance so the dp28 trade of fire or the firing rate of dp28 is almost identical to the akm and the best thing about this weapon is that it doesn't require any attachments other than a scope attachment and talking about scopes i think dp28 and 4x scope makes a perfect combo but some people prefer to use 3x because it's easier to use and the 6x scope makes it a bit difficult to control the recoil so i think 4x is perfect or it's in between 3x and 6x this is why dpn4x is my favorite combo dp28 is a weapon for everyone doesn't matter if you are a professional player or a really bad player this weapon will do the work just fine and also it doesn't matter if you're a gyroscope player or a non-gyroscope player controlling recoil is not a big problem with dp28 so here is the recoil pattern of dp28 the first five bullets are very accurate to use and when we compare the spray patterns next to an m416 with and without attachments you can clearly see the dp-28 vertical recoil is almost close to an m416 with optimal attachments and the dp-28's horizontal recoil is way better than the m4 the hip fire accuracy between dp-28 and all the assault rifles are almost identical but the hip fire recoil between akm and dp-28 is a big difference dp-28 has less hip fire recoil and less bullet spread so dp-28 is great at hip-firing i would say dp28 is a decent weapon for close range and its performance will be similar to an akm but the main disadvantage for dp is that its reloading speed it takes about five and half second to reload its magazine which can get you killed sometimes so i wouldn't recommend using dp28 for close range but sometimes it's okay to use it anyway anyway here is a small thing that i noticed while editing this video five months ago i compared dp28's recoil next to m416 these were the results dp-28's vertical recoil is almost half of the m416 but now the dp-28's vertical recoil is almost the same as the m416 if you are a dp28 daily user then you most likely notice that your dp sprays are getting worse and maybe sometimes it's difficult to control well it's not because of you it's because of the game increasing the recoil of dp-28 due to being so overpowered but it's still powerful enough to destroy the enemies only if you know how to burst fire with dp-28 if we take a look at dp's first few bullets at the beginning of the spray the first four to five bullets has almost no recoil of all after five bullets the recoil starts to increase so always remember one thing while using dp28 if your target is far then you need to use burst fire method it's basically shooting four to five bullets and giving at least one second gap after that once again burst fire four to five bullets and give a one second gap keep doing until your target is down anyway before i show you the drills to practice the burst fire let's talk about the sensitivity for dp-28 if you are a gyroscope player then you may have to consider using a separate sensitivity for dp28 my normal gyroscope sensitivity for 4x scope is 300 and when i use dp i will change it to 150 to 200 because dp28 has very low recoil especially if you do burst firing if you are a non-gyro player you don't have to worry about the sensitivity you just have to practice these drills eventually you will get better at controlling dp28 and now to the training drills to practice the dp28 now try to burst fire at this 100 meters target shoot only up to five bullets and give a gap between every five shots by the way aim for the head and try to hit all your shots on the head and now switch between targets after every five bullets and if you aim for the head then five bullets are more than enough to take down your opponent if you manage to hit at least one headshot and following up by body shots you can also practice full spray of dp-28 only if your target is under 100 meters otherwise it will be hard to control and the last ultimate drill is shooting all the targets including the moving ones from the range of 100 meters to 300 meters example like this just practice all these drills until you think you've been improved so what is dp28 is for it can handle all the ranges but it will perform better at mid to long range especially if you know how to burst fire with dp28 anyway that's all i got for this video i hope you learned something new if you did hit the like button and subscribe for more upcoming videos like these.

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