Top 15 Tips & Tricks in Among Us | Ultimate Guide To Become a Pro Part-4

 Top 15 Tips & Tricks in Among Us | Ultimate Guide To Become a Pro Part-4

while you're doing the empty garbage task be  quick and pull the handle before the leaves   touch the surface of the machine in this  way you can complete this task much faster   here's a comparison similarly we do it here too here's one of the best ways to  do a card swipe take the card   slowly swipe it until here and then quickly  swipe it till the end done let's try that again it works the start reactor task is one of the  longest and most confusing tasks in the game   so suppose you're doing this task and you  can't exactly memorize all the squares at   once just close the task now reopen it to  continue from the same step where you left it this task and shields can be done standing  near the railing it's safe to do the task   here as compared to this spot because  it's kind of a corner also if an imposter   finishes you here there is a chance that  the other crewmates won't notice the body the align engine task is a two-step task firstly  you need to align the upper engine and then   the lower engine to complete it here's a trick  to do it in a single step hold the knob and   bring it towards the center as soon as it's  in the center tap on the knob once that's it suppose you're playing a match with a single  imposter and you're standing next to one of the   players near the cams if a sabotage occurs you can  clearly say that this player is not an imposter   because when you come close to the  security cameras the security button   replaces the sabotage button hence it becomes  impossible to sabotage standing close to the cams   similarly if a sabotage occurs  while someone is standing on a vent   you can confirm that he is a crewmate since the  vent button replaces the sabotage in this case take use of sabotage efficiently whenever you  finish someone on the right call a sabotage   towards the left instantly players around you  would run towards the left side in order to fix   the sabotage similarly if you finish someone on  the left call for a sabotage towards the right most of you try to complete this steer navigation  task by dragging the lines towards the centre but   the fastest way to do this is by simply tapping  on the centre the lines automatically get aligned   here are two strategies to act innocent number  one suppose you finish someone instantly walk away   and go inside any nearby room now wait here until  you spot any player around as soon as you spot one   go with them towards the body by doing  this no one will suspect you because both   of you found the body at the same time  number two we'll use the doors and vents   so here's a player we'll finish  him and quickly close the doors   now let's vent towards the reactor wait for a  while and go towards the body along with someone again you won't be a suspect the free play mode is a great way to practice  where you can roam around the entire map   also you can go near this laptop and select to be  an imposter to practice venting and sabotages too   most of you still don't exactly know  which camera covers which location   the first one covers this part of the map the  second one covers this third and the fourth   the cool down timer freezes  whenever you use a security    camera or the admin map it also  freezes when you're inside a vent   while playing if you get disconnected from a  server you can join the same server without   entering the code just click on this arrow  as you can see we join the same lobby again suppose the visual tasks are turned off in a  game you could still verify your crewmate by   trying to do the same task which they're  doing if a message pops up saying to wait   until your crewmate completes the task you  can confirm that they're not an imposter   if you don't have the same task  check for the taskbar to go up if you enjoyed watching this  and want a part 4 of the video   make sure to subscribe and like the video let's  keep a like aim of a 100k hope you guys do it.

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