M416 vs AUG A3 Ultimate Weapon Comparison (PUBG MOBILE) Guide/Tutorial

 M416 vs AUG A3 Ultimate Weapon Comparison (PUBG MOBILE) Guide/Tutorial

welcome guys this is a weapon comparison video between m416 and the aug a3 and the main reason why we are doing this comparison is because there is a big debate going on whether the m416 is better or the aug a3 well in this video we will find out which one is better for you the m416 is everyone's favorite weapon because of its performance and it is by far the most commonly used weapon in this game and many of the players prefer to use m4 over any other weapons like scar-l qbz g36c but the only weapon which questions them is the aug a3 despite being an airdrop exclusive weapon clearly it should be better than the m4 but is it really better let's start the comparison with weapon statistics both the weapons have an identical base damage of 41 and the rest of the damage is shown below so there is literally no big difference in terms of damage the rate of fire is also identical between m4 and aug but the only big difference in terms of statistics is the bullet velocity where the m4 has 880 meters per second bullet velocity while the aug a3 has 940 meters per second so the aug a3's bullets will travel around 5 faster than the m416 what i mean is if we shoot both the aug a3 and m416 at a 300 meters target at the same time the aug a3 will most likely hit the target first so the aug a3 definitely has an advantage in this situation anyway moving on to the recoil comparison full auto spray without any attachments we will be taking five full spray samples shooting at an eight meters wall this is the average spray pattern of m416 in blue color now to the aug a3's full auto spray pattern once again we are using five samples to get an average spray pattern which is in red color when we compare the spray pattern side by side 

you can clearly see that the aug a3 recoil is more controllable than the m4 it has less horizontal recoil as well as less vertical recoil and when we compare each and every individual spray patterns the m4 has more unpredictable horizontal recoil 

even when we use the attachments the results are still the same aug a3 beats the m416 in terms of recoil controlling so the aug a3 is significantly a better weapon choice for long-range fights it's much easier to control the spray when we compare it next to an m4 but however in close range recoil pattern doesn't really affect that much and the hip fire performance is also identical or almost the same both weapons are very versatile and have the same hip fire accuracy moving on to the reloading speeds this is where the trouble begins for august 3. the m416 takes about 2.2 seconds to fully reload 30 bullets in the magazine while the aug a3 takes 3.6 seconds to fully reload 30 bullets in the magazine that's 1.4 seconds difference that's a really big disadvantage for aug a3 especially in close quarter fights so always remember one thing while reloading aug a3 it takes almost the same time as a crossbow

final conclusion looking at these tests yes the aug a3 is a better weapon than the m416 only in some situations but not always i would say aug a3 is good at long range because of its spray controlling and also its bullet velocity other than that if you want a weapon for close range then the m416 is somehow a better weapon choice because in close range recoil doesn't really matter that much and the reloading speed is really important who would want to die while reloading but you can always pair your aug a3 with any smgs which are specifically designed for close range so the aug a3 is a better weapon than the m416 well yes but actually no i just think that the aug a3 is the weakest airdrop weapon in my opinion just think every other airdrop weapons are a better version of something for example grows if it's a better version of akm and barrel and the arm is the best sniper in the game m249 it doesn't need any explanation because there is no competition for that weapon and the mk 14 is the deadliest dmr the only weapon which is left out is the aug a3 just like i said it's the weakest airdrop weapon and it doesn't deserve to be an airdrop exclusive weapon so the choice is yours you want a weapon which is good at mid to long range then the aug a3 is your go-to choice because you will only find it once or twice in a game only if you go for airdrop hunt so that's all i got for this video if you learned something new hit the like button and subscribe for more 

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