i'm gonna show you the proper way to make a corona vaccine oops that was off script so in this freaking video i will show you few tips to make you understand how to aim properly while doing 1v4 and i will use my own gameplay to make you understand better basically there are three types of situations while aiming first is height advantage aiming second is face to face aiming and third is ground disadvantage aiming so everyone aim gets choked sometimes while facing any of these three situations right like my aim mostly gets choked in ground disadvantage aiming ground disadvantage aiming means you are aiming from the lower ground than your enemy so here in this video i will show you some of my clips to make you better understand on how you can aim properly but before we get started make sure to throw your ex once again on the like button and make this video reach two likes alright let's get started first things first i'm gonna show my 1v4 clip and then i will analyze that clip basically this is a clearing georgiable clip alright so watch this first is are you sure so i see the fears hey start falling down so so as you've seen aiming is so easy when you focus on crosshair everything depends on your crosshair and then just put it on your enemy's head direction you will automatically get his kill in no time and also keep changing your positions like i was doing in every second like once you got spotted then there is no option to stay there like a lazy anyways now let me show you another 1v4 aiming clip this clip is pretty intense so watch this first and then i will explain is so um so as you have seen how intense it went at the end but i made a huge mistake at the end that i kept looting in between intense fight and i had to pay for that mistake anyways coming to the analyzing my aim was so accurate here that i spotted just only two percent of his body but still managed to get his knock so you should also master your aim to get knocks at any situation and then here i got stuck between two squads basically one was a four men squad and the other was two men duo and also i had a height advantage here so i got three knocks unfortunately my first knock got revived because i failed to finish him and then at the end i started looting like a bot and had to pay for this anyways now i'm gonna show you my weakness like everyone has their own weakness right so my weakness is that basically i get choked most of the time while facing two players at once well here is the clip watch it first so as you have seen how bad i was stuck there in a 1v3 situation but i was fighting two player at a time i've given everything i got but then my akm started reloading and reloading is the only thing which sucks okay so this was it for today's video i hope you enjoyed the video so i will be back in the next one peace out guys.

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